Sunday, February 6

Story Book Romance

I’m being selfish.  I have these two boys in my life. One of them is my love interest, the other one my best friend. The problem is that I want both of their attention.
I love when my best friend comes over, we have the same sense of humor, and can talk for hours about nothing.  He is the sweetest nicest guy, but I’m not interested in him like that. I wish I was, because we really do get along great.
 Here is the hard part, I love him, he is my best friend, I want the very best for him, but I don’t want him to leave me.
He brightens my day and makes me happy, but I couldn’t even imagine kissing him.  I just am not attracted to him in that way! We can be hanging out having a great time, but as soon as my love interest walks into the room my heart starts beating faster and all my attention is on him.  This best friend knows I like him, and so I don’t feel like I am playing with his heart, and things are really progressing with my love interest.
Here is the bad part: while telling this story to a friend I realized what this sounds like… can anyone guess? The girl in the middle wanting the one she loves, but also not wanting to lose her best friend in the process?

As much as I hate to admit it, my life is sounding a bit like Twilight right now. 

Wanna hear something stupid: in the book I'm a Jacob fan.


  1. k this might be a little creepy...
    but i found your blog on one of my friends, and let me tell you...
    i have been in the exact same situation! pretty much have been for a long long time. now it's a little different, but i promise i know how you feel!
    and i wish i had a solution.

  2. Lissa Kate:
    You are a doll! Sorry it took me so long to respond! How is your situation going? Mine took a turn for the worse, at least with the friend, he wasn't very nice to me once Ed and I started dating... But I still try and keep in touch with him. Let me hear about your situation. Xoxo
