Sunday, May 15


Sometimes it's really hard to be a good friend.
I have a girlfriend who has been trying to decide whether she should break up with her boyfriend or marry him. She really loves him, and wants to be with him, but isn't sure if they will make each other happy for the rest of their lives. 
Personally, I am not a fan, and see ALL the reasons why she should move on. How she could do so much better. 
It's hard to be there for her when she wants him anyway. 
It's just hard to be supportive of something I don't really like. 
And now can I just tell you that if some specific people in my life knew that I was saying all this they would be shaking their heads in disbelief. Because I've been on the receiving end. Having my heart just want someone SO bad, even when it is a corrosive want. 
Love is hard. Emotions complicate everything. What should be clear a night and day, gets all messed up with feelings and such. 

Sometimes, it's just hard. 

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