Tuesday, May 17


What defines a date? 
I always thought that you needed to hear the word "date" to classify it as such.... but now I'm not so sure.

I went to a movie with the BEAUTIFUL Jake Gyllenhaal. 

He asked me to go with him over text, and never mentioned the "d" word. But he did pay for the movie. 

date or not a date? 
I just figured not to classify it as such unless I hear the date word. But when a friend asked about my weekend and I told him about my outing, he asked if Jake paid, and said since he did it WAS a date. 

I don't know! 
Webster, that knowledgeable bloke, defines a date by :  an appointment for a particular time, esp with a person to whom one is sexually or romantically attached.
That defines it all by the emotional attachment

Well, I think I'm still confused, and will stay with the answer of obliviousness, unless he calls it a date too. What do you think? How do you define your outings with the opposite gender?

I think the real answer to my problem is that MEN NEED TO SPECIFY what we are doing! then there will be no question.


  1. My definition of a date:
    Paid for
    Paired off
    It's a date :)

  2. The three p's of a date. I like it!
