Saturday, January 15

He bought me SOCKS… it must be love!

I went on my date…

It went well…

He was CUTE!

I had a lot of fun! It was just really chill, we went to dinner and then bowling.
I wore heels (skinny jeans and my heels: I rocked it) but I didn’t get the memo about bowling. This means I felt doomed to put my feet in disgusting bowling shoes, unprotected by socks. Considering I didn’t even know his name before he introduced himself, it’s not really his fault.  When we showed up at the bowling alley he was so sweet and immediately asked about it and bought me some socks there. I didn’t even have to bring it up again.

It was a short date, but that’s the way I like first dates. 

It left me wanting more. 

We’ll see if he calls….

(now if you want to overanalyze this date with me here are a few thoughts that keep swirling around the back of my head)

          -it was a double date and he kept talking to the other girl, not excessively but enough that I noticed.  Number one: he could be digging her and not me. Number two: he could be digging me but do the “I don’t know what to say to the girl I like” thing. It happens to me sometimes, so this is what I am hoping it was.

          -We had an awkward doorstep scene, with the other couple staring in the car.  I am a hugger, I love to hug, but I know other people aren’t so I try to accommodate for them.  In this instance I shouldn’t have.  I thought since everyone was watching he would want it short and sweet…. 
Wrong!  I pulled away first!!! I am so upset that I pulled away first!  Totally great hug and I broke it!  And now I can only hope, with what is going on with the paragraph above, that he doesn’t look into the hug, because I really do like him!

          -Last but certainly not least, the girl who set me up on the date told me afterword that…   she was digging my date too!!!  Kill me now. 
No, it’ll be ok, because if he is interested in her then he wasn’t my type anyway. Not that I don’t love her, we are just very different individuals.

So we’ll see what happens….  It’ll be my luck. Remember this and this post....

Searching for Love,

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