Sunday, April 24

Hugs not Kisses

Dear Male world:

There is this thing that you need to know, or learn, or something. See when you hug a girl, you should put your body into it. But not creepy-like. Don't hold for too long, but not for two short either. This is dependent on the situation. 

For example:

If you like the girl= hug her like you want her to know you want her to stay.

If it is a friend that is coming to say hi= a quick, how are you hug is sufficient.

If you have never hugged said female: make it short but DEFINITELY sweet, because you don't want her to think it is awkward.

See, this last example went wrong for me this week. I had never hugged said boy before, but as everyone in the group was leaving and hugging, it came our turn for an embrace. (side note this male is probably at least a foot taller than I am) 
I went to hug him and STUPIDLY put one arm up, and one arm down- the criss-cross hug. I say stupidly, because he didn't bend down. At all. He just put his lanky arms around me and patted. Yep. I just hugged a tree with my arms trying to reach around and above it. F.A.I.L. 

I never know how to hug guys in the first place. Arms above their arms, or arms below, and then there is the one of each. (criss-cross)

And it would have been fine, if he would have learned how to hug. But apparently he was deprived all his life, or something.

So dear Mr. So-and-so,
A word of advice:
Use your body when you hug. Not just your arms. BELIEVE me when I say that when a guy gives a good hug, it can change a girls day. Just so you know.

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