Wednesday, November 10

Can I get a PRAYER with that?

I went to a friend’s wedding reception where, to all cliché’s I met a boy, we'll call him Ron Howard. NO I did not go there to meet a boy, and I didn’t even catch the bouquet.  We just started talking, and shortly thereafter he asked my friend for my number.

He played it smart and for the first date we just went out to dinner. 
He had just recently returned from serving his LDS mission.  This causes a sort of awkward virtue in these fresh boys, resulting in a skewed date.  A lot of the talk was about experiences on his mission, and he did the awkward silent prayer on his food.  

Side Note: I believe in prayer, I believe that we do need to give thanks on all that God has given us, but I don't pray on dates.   No bowing of my head, no looking down and pausing.  Why? If on a date, and it is not the practice of your date, it sure makes things awkward i.e. me.   If you don't know the person well it also passes on the air of "holier than thou." It also sets a tension when I start chowing down and look up to see him praying.  What am I supposed to do?  Stare? Just keep eating?  Or how about when I start talking and then realize he is praying? Let's just say I'm not a fan.

We did have a pretty good time after the first stage of the date, so when Ron called me about an hour later telling me he wanted to see me again that the following night I accepted.  Ron was headed out of state in two days, so I had to call him back and tell him I forgot that I had already made plans to watch my brother's kids, but that he could come.

The kids slept most the time and we watched Shrek, he thought it was hilarious.  When my brother met him they talked all about hunting and later my brother told me that if I don't marry him, he would.  The more I got to know Ron, the more I realized all we have in common is our beliefs.  We don't have the same interest in music (all he listens to is gospel music), movies, or the same humor.  He went out of town and I haven't heard from him since.  This has been quite a while, and after looking on facebook he has unfriended me. Definitely won't be a third date.  

On first dates either make it a group date, or only do dinner. Then if it is a bad date you can talk to other people, or with only dinner it's only a short get to know you date. 

Make a first date more awkward than it already is.  Keep the praying at restaurants to a minimum. 

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