Monday, January 9

You, Me, and the Other Guy

I know I have been MIA, and I’m going to try and make it up. Right. Now. If possible.
I also know that everyone and their dog has some excuse, but if it doesn’t make you feel better it at least makes me feel better for my absence.
Life’s been a whirlwind. I got promoted, which means more exciting adventures, but more responsibilities. Plus being in a whole different department makes the transition hard, not just to step up my game but to not leave my old crew picking up my leftovers.
ANYWAY Blah blah blah right?!

So… I’ve been busy with work and have apparently been looking for men in ALL the wrong places! Like seriously?! Is there a singles bar for us Mormon ladies out there?! All the attractive men without any of the alcohol please!

More updates on that whole episode later.
Currently I am trying to busy my mind so I can keep it off a certain gentleman who I’m pretty sure is not getting the clue. How hard does a girl have to work to get a fellow to ask her out?! Seriously, I’ve made the last attempt to start things. I really believe that if a guy is interested he WILL make a move. (it just stinks when I really REALLY want him to pay me some attention and he’s not buying into it)  But that’s love and life right?!

More updates to come!
xoxo Ava

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